Cinergia, New supplier TTMS
Regenerative AC/DC power supplies and electronic loads
Cinergia products are the result of 10 years of experience in the field of Power solutions.
They specialise in building power converters with proprietary DSP control to build the most diverse applications with them.
Cinergia’s product range consists of Grid emulators, programmable power supplies, motor drive emulators, battery charging systems, vsc inverters, battery emulators, micro grid managers, electronic loads. Most of the products are regenerative. Thus, up to 80% of the energy absorbed is saved resulting in a lighter energy connection, less heat emission and hence less air conditioning power. A wonderful green solution for all R&D and production needs.
For example, regenerative loads are available from 7.5kVA to 200kVA and voltages up to 480Vrms AC (up to 400Hz) and 750V DC. They can be used in constant impedance, constant current and constant power mode. Furthermore, it is also a harmonic load adjustable up to the 15th harmonic. Another unique feature is that the power factor is fully freely adjustable, so 100% capacitive and inductive loads can also be simulated.
The Grid Emulator is available from 7.5kVA to 200kVA and voltages up to 480Vrms AC (up to 400Hz) and 750V DC.
What can Cinergia’s Grid Emulator do?
– Control voltage harmonics up to the 15th harmonic at 50-60Hz.
– Flicker generation and overvoltages.
– Interruptions and voltage dips.
– Frequency variations.
– Impedance setting of the grid.
– Imbalance between phases.
Cinergia is a unique manufacturer with excellent solutions for a wide range of power applications. Naturally, we are therefore pleased with this great addition to our existing product lines of high-power AC/DC power supplies and loads.
For detailed information of the Cinergie products, please refer to the website cinergia.
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