Test & Measurement is our knowledge.
Supporting customers with solutions is our business.

The right solution

You are dealing with increasing complexity of your products, time-to-market is getting shorter and shorter and innovations are following each other faster and faster. You want to focus on your own product development and spending time on the best test and measurement solution is actually wasted time. Especially when you know you can outsource it. And that is what we are here for. TTMS has the years of expertise and supports you with appropriate advice regarding the right test and measurement equipment for your application.

Our way of working

  1. A thorough examination of your specific needs and challenges.
  2. Identifying and selecting the right equipment for an optimal solution.
  3. After-sales, testing and support to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Your benefits

  • Stop spending many hours trying to find a solution yourself.
  • We support you in developing the best test setup for your application.
  • The best price/performance ratio on the market.

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Our expertise

Our expertise is in the field of power such as AC/DC power supplies, (Regenerative) electronic loads, Grid emulators, high-voltage power supplies, four-quadrant power supplies and four-quadrant amplifiers, bi-directional power supplies, general electrical test and measurement instrumentation, calibration equipment (temperature and electrical quantities) and test systems. When we combine your knowledge with ours, we arrive at the most effective test and measurement solution specific to your application.

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Customer reactions

Hans Verhees
Victron Energy

“We do not buy measurement instrumentation, but solutions to specific measurement problems. I therefore like to buy from TTMS, given the knowledge they have on test solutions in power electronics. In fact, I hate salesmen. TTMS helps us make the right choice. They even come up with instrumentation from manufacturers they don’t represent themselves. And always with perfect service: they don’t make things difficult, they just take care of it.”

Jan Serné
Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam

“From my position within the calibration and quality lab, I am constantly striving for quality. To ensure this, the right support from suppliers, among others, is therefore essential. TTMS understands this like no other, and I have therefore been doing business with them for years. If I had to describe my relationship with TTMS, it could be described as not only factual, but also instinctive. The measurement instrumentation is reliable.
Moreover, the expertise in test and measurement equipment at TTMS is a good addition to the STCA.”

Need advice? Get in touch