Quantum Data M42de DisplayPort 1.4 / 2.1 video generator / analyser

  • DisplayPort 1.4 and 2.1 video generator/analyser
  • HBR3 and UHBR source, sink and branch test device
  • Monitor AUX Channel transactions while emulating a DP 1.4 or DP 2.1 source or sink
  • View incoming video and metadata (including DSC compressed) from a source device
  • DSC and MST support
  • Configure link training parameters to test display’s handling of link training
  • USB-C full-size DisplayPort (DP80) connectors
  • View and edit EDID and DPCD registers

Quantum Data offers with the M42de Video Analyser/Generator the most complete solution for testing DisplayPort 1.4 and 2.1 source, sink and repeater devices. The unit is equipped with USB-C ports and new enhanced DisplayPort (DP80) full-size connectors for Tx and Rx functions.

The basic package of the M42de supports legacy DisplayPort HBR3 lane rates of 1.62, 2.7, 5.4, 8.1Gb/s. This unit is expandable to a DisplayPort 2.1 UHBR version with lane rates of 10.0, 13.5 & 20.0Gb/s. With this model, you have a ‘one-stop’ solution for DP 1.4 and 2.1 testing and certification.

The M42de has an embedded CPU (Linux-based) that works as a stand-alone platform by connecting an HDMI monitor plus keyboard/mouse. Optionally, an external laptop can be connected directly to the unit (via an RJ45 LAN port). Combined with the user-friendly Video Protocol Suite Manager software, it is easy to generate and analyse DisplayPort data streams.

The video generator provides a large library of standard video timings and test patterns required for easy verification of next-generation displays.
The real-time views and full capture of main line video including meta data and AUX transactions make testing silicon development boards, displays, docking stations, hubs, USB-C adapters, retimers and extenders very easy.


By expanding with various firmware options and a complete API, various compliance tests are now simple to perform.
Consider options such as:

DP source link layer compliance option is ideal for pre-testing HBR3 or UHBR-enabled devices before submitting them to an accredited test centre. Pre-testing is considered a critical step in ensuring a smooth certification process. Optional compliance testing packages allow users to view detailed results and identify the cause of any failures. AUX channel traces are also stored during Link Layer testing to provide reliable recording of AUX transactions.

The DP-sink EDID/DisplayID and Link Layer compliance option provides full support for DP 1.4 certification and a growing list of DP 2.1 tests. The CTS link layer package, which includes dozens of test cases and hundreds of assertions, is fundamental to any technical verification test. With essential tests for critical functions, including training, forward error correction (FEC), power management and multi-byte AUX transactions, this basic package is the starting point for comprehensive test coverage.

The Quantum Data M42de offers one-touch automated testing of Link Training Tunable Phy Repeater (LTTPR) compliance. Now with specific tests for HBR3- and UHBR-enabled DisplayPort source, sink and retimer devices, the M42de mimics real LTTPR network behaviour to verify that sources can correctly configure and link-train in both transparent and non-transparent modes. Simple pass/fail reports are automatically generated and detailed AUX logs are captured that are invaluable for understanding problems during clock data switch phase, equalisation or inter-lane alignment.

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