Quantum Data

Quantum Data is investing in the development of test equipment to enable manufacturers to bring a new generation of audio, video and control products to market. Protocol analysers in particular prevent many compatibility issues in the new designs. This equipment can be found in design labs and production facilities of the major manufacturers of televisions, PC monitors, medical monitors and all other displays. In addition, the analysers are also widely used for HDMI and DisplayPort devices for testing according to specifications.

With the new HDMI and DisplayPort standards, the electronics industry needs reliable products for development. Quantum Data is known for rapidly developing these test tools. And that is necessary for the rapidly changing technologies and specifications in this market. At the same time, a manufacturer’s time-to-market and interoperability with other manufacturers’ products, is a requirement.

Quantum Data products are used in various applications worldwide. For a complete list of Quantum Data Products, visit their website www.quantumdata.com.

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