
Clarke-Hess was founded in 1969 as an electronics firm for test and measurement equipment.

They particularly specialised in DC/low-frequency applications and developed instruments for defence, commercial and industrial companies.  Through its dedication to the development of precision instrumentation, Clarke-Hess has now built a reputation in the calibration world as the manufacturer for phase standards and phase measurement instrumentation.

The Model 5600 Digital Phase Angle Standard is now generally accepted as the world standard for phase generation. The instrument offers two digitally controllable sine waves with a relative phase adjustable in 0.0001 degree steps over +/-999.999 degrees. The frequency range covered is from 1Hz to 1MHz with each channel having an adjustable amplitude from 50mV to 120.0V.

Since one of the uses of Phase Standards is to check Phase Meters and PAV’s, a natural outgrowth of the production of the Phase Standard was the introduction of the Model 6000A Phase Meter and Model 2600 Phase Angle Voltmeter (PAV). The Model 6000A measures the phase difference between two input signals from 5 Hz to 1MHz with a resolution of 0.001degrees. The Model 2600, in addition to measuring phase, also measures the in-phase, quadrature, fundamental and total components of an input signal. The unit also can measure AC ratios, impedance and power.

Another unique product from Clarke-Hess is the Model 8200 Transconductance Amplifier.
The Model 8200 generates output currents up to 100A which are directly proportional to its input voltage over the frequency range from dc to 100kHz. The Model 8200 is highly stable for inductive as well as capacitive loads. The unit’s accuracy, high compliance voltage and quick warm up is unique in the calibration market

Around the world, you will find this equipment in national calibration labs because of its quality, service and exceptional performance.

Clarke-Hess offers the following products:

Power analyzers The Digital Phase Angle Standard Phase meters, phase angle voltmeters (PAV), and gain / phase analyzers Precision AC current source Voltage and current sources and / or calibrators Transconductance amplifiers

For a complete list of the Clarke-Hess products, visit their website

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