The safe, convenient and efficient charging and discharging of electric vehicles is essential for the breakthrough of electromobility. High demands are placed on the interface between the charging point and the electric vehicle. The charge point must also meet high standards when feeding power back into the grid to guarantee grid quality and stability. For the optimisation and further development of these crucial factors, extensive tests with network emulation and vehicle emulation are indispensable.

These are therefore the two most important elements in testing charging stations. The grid emulation simulates the grid with all possible fluctuations and contaminations. An adjustable load in combination with a vehicle communication simulator simulates the characteristics of the electric vehicle and battery.

An overview of the various test set-ups for the different charging modes can be found in this application note.


The HSA series of bipolar amplifiers from NF corporation

H&H Electronic Single Cell Load

H&H QL series bipolar power supplies

Itech IT-M3900C Compact bi-directional DC power supplies

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