Testing a solar car with the H&H PLI3230 power supply

TTMS and H&H have joined forces in 2016 to sponsor Solar Team Twente (part of TU Twente). An H&H PLI3230 power supply was given on loan to test the Team’s solar car.

The Solar Team Twente designs and builds a solar car every other year to participate in the World Solar Challenge in Australia. In 2017 this team participated in the RED SHIFT, a solar car in which the so-called Solar Balancing technique called “SABINE” has been applied.

SABINE stands for Solar Array Balancing Interface Not Expected. It ensures that losses caused by the differences between the yields of solar cells, also known as grouping loss, are marginalised.

Click on the button below to read more about SABINE and how the H&H PLI3230 power supply was used for testing.

For more information about the H&H PLI series, please refer to the product page.

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