
‘Systems’ is our collective name for instruments that only operate in conjunction with a PC.
These may be PCI-express cards for a PC, but also PXI and mainframes with cards. Even USB and LAN instruments belong to this category at TTMS. 
The instruments in this category may be digitizers, arbitrary waveform generators or digital I/O.

Data transfer speed.

The big advantage of the PCI express digitizers cards compared to digital oscilloscopes is the data transfer speed and the fact that data can be streamed. 
Oscilloscopes do read a specific amount of data into the oscilloscope memory. With modern oscilloscopes even big amounts of data. But then the data acquisition stops and the data is available for investigation or transfer to the PC. Transfer through a digital interface like LAN, USB, GPIB or even RS232.
The Spectrum digitizers do have special data recording features like multiple records, gated sampling and ABA mode (switching sampling speed). On top of that the units do have a FIFO mode data streaming functionality. This results in test systems in whit a high speed digitizer, that allows for the streaming of terra bytes or data (3GB / s) to SSD drives without interrupting data acquisition. Such systems may be applied in, for example, specific long-term destructive testing, or nuclear research.

Multiple channel Systems.

Besides speed Spectrum  also offers multiple channel systems. You can  synchronize multiple cards to create high speed, high resolution data acqusition systems with up to 128 channels. Even test systems synchronized combinations of digitizers cards and arbitrary waveform generators and/or Digital I/O cards are possible. This is for instance interesting for radar applications.

Altogether, numerous solutions are available for countless applications.
 Are you in need for such a solution? Ask one of our T&M consultants for advice for the configuration of your application.

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