R&S RTC1000 series digital Oscilloscope

  • Bandwidth: 50 MHz to 300 MHz
  • Sample Rate: 2 Gsample/s
  • Memory Depth: up to 2 Msample
  • MSO option: 8 digital channels; 1 Gsample/s, 1 Msample
  • FFT: Standard with 128 kpoints
  • Pattern generator: 4-bit patterns up to 50 Mbit/s

The R&S RTC1000 series digital Oscilloscope

The Rohde & Schwarz RTC1000 series digital oscilloscopes are the entry level models of a whole series of digital oscilloscopes. Don’t be fooled by the word entry level model. These oscilloscopes are actually seven instruments in one housing. Besides being an oscilloscope, this is a logic analyzer (MSO option), a protocol analyzer, a spectrum analyzer, a component tester, a digital voltmeter and a frequency counter as well.

This series has standard 2 analog input channels and optionally 8 digital channels. The bandwidth starts at 50MHz and can be extended to a maximum frequency of 300MHz. This guarantees your initial investment for a new oscilloscope for the future ass well, with a possible upgrade of the frequency range. The sample rate is 1 GSample/s per channel, with interleave to achieve a speed of 2 Gsample/s for one active channel. The memory depth is 1M sample per channel and with interleave that is 2M sample on one channel. The extensive trigger possibilities (pulse width triggering, video triggering, logic triggering and optional serial triggering and decoding) make this series unprecedentedly complete in this price range.
Typical for the oscilloscope part is the high input sensitivity (1mV/div to 10V/div for the full bandwidth) of the two input channels.

The RTC1000 series digital oscilloscopes offer you much more. An RTC1000 unit actually consists of seven instruments in one housing. Besides being an oscilloscope, this is a logic analyzer (MSO option), protocol analyzer, spectrum analyzer, component tester, digital voltmeter and frequency counter as well.


This model can be upgraded to 70, 100, 200 or 300 MHz bandwidth by means of an option. Further expansion possibilities are: Logic analysis (MSO), Serial triggering and decoding for I²C/SPI, UART/RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 and CAN/LIN. In addition to these options, there is an extensive range of probes and accessories available for these oscilloscopes. For more information we refer you to the special accessory page.

If you need 4 channels, a longer memory length, a larger screen or a higher bandwidth, we refer you to the oscilloscopes overview.

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