Ohm-Labs Multiple High Resistance Standard – MHS

  • 1 MegaOhm to 1 TeraOhm
  • Fully guarded
  • High immunity from ambient temperature changes
  • Transportable
Ohm Labs Multiple High Resistance Standard – MHS


The Ohm-Labs Multiple High Resistance Standard (MHRS) contains seven fully guarded high resistance standards, which are identical to those used in the 100-H series resistance standards.

The 1 and 10 MOhm elements are wound from resistance wire for high stability. Ohm Labs tailors the rest to its specifications, using precious metal oxide as the resistance element. Each resistor is housed in a hermetically sealed housing for protection against moisture and pressure effects.

A constant temperature chamber provides insulation for the variations in ambient temperature. A precision thermometer indicates the temperature of the temperature chamber. A thermistor and two sources are provided for external monitoring. Set the chamber from 18 to 30°C to characterize temperature coefficients.

The Multiple High Resistance Standard (MHRS) stabilizes in less than an hour. This allows resistance standards to be used in the field or on site with the highest accuracy.

The MHRS includes an ISO 17025 accredited calibration, traceable to NIST.

For less than the cost of seven resistance standards, the Multiple High Resistance Standard (MHRS) delivers superior performance and greater versatility.

For more information on electrical standards, please refer to the overview page or contact one of our consultants.

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