Itech IT-M3300 Regenerative DC Loads
- 60V, 150V, 300V and 600V models
- 200W, 400W and 800W models
- 3A, 6A, 12A and 30A
- Regenerative load
- 8 operating modes
- Adjustable current rise/fall time
- optional interfaces, RS232, CAN, LAN, GPIB, USB
The Itech IT-M3300 series regenerative DC loads are part of the IT-M3000 series. These compact DC loads are available in power ratings of 200W, 400W and 800W. And this in a housing of a half 19″ rack wide module of 1U high. For the Lab table the units are stackable and for installation in a 19″ rack you can store up to 2 units in 1 height unit.
Currently there are 12 models available, suitable for voltages up to 60V, 150V, 300V and 600V. The current ranges are 3A, 6A, 12A and 30A at power ranges of 200W, 400W and 800W. Striking with the IT-M3300 series loads is also the high resolution and measurement accuracy.
As a regenerative DC load, the IT-M3300 series has the added advantage that the absorbed energy is fed back to the AC grid and is not converted into heat. And this principle contributes greatly to the high power density of this series of loads. This also ensures a double saving on the energy bill; you save on the returned kWh’s but also on the cost of an air conditioner and the energy consumption of that air conditioner. The IT-M3300 has eight operation modes: CC/CV/CP/CR/CV+CC/CC+CR/CV+CP+CR. There are also five optional interfaces, which support RS232, CAN, LAN, GPIB, USB_TMC, USB_VCP, RS485, analogue and IO communication.
This regenerative electronic load is extremely suitable for, among other things, battery discharge tests, the testing of multi-channel DC power supplies and in endurance tests for, for example, semiconductor aging. A major advantage in battery cell and battery pack testing in particular is the fact that the IT-M3300 is equipped with temperature measurement function as standard. By using the optional temperature sensor, the battery temperature can also be measured while discharging.
For higher power applications, up to 16 units can be connected in parallel and also synchronized.
See also the specifications of the other IT-M models
IT-M3100 Wide range DC power supply
IT-M3200 High Accuracy DC power supply
IT-M3400 Bi-directional DC power
IT-M3600 Regenerative Power System
IT-M7700 AC power supply
Models Itech IT-M3300 regenerative DC loads
Model | Voltage | Current | power |
IT-M3312 | 60V | 30A | 200W |
IT-M3322 | 60V | 30A | 400W |
IT-M3332 | 60V | 30A | 800W |
IT-M3313 | 150V | 12A | 200W |
IT-M3323 | 150V | 12A | 400W |
IT-M3333 | 150V | 12A | 800W |
IT-M3314 | 300V | 6A | 200W |
IT-M3324 | 300V | 6A | 400W |
IT-M3334 | 300V | 6A | 800W |
IT-M3315 | 600V | 3A | 200W |
IT-M3325 | 600V | 3A | 400W |
IT-M3335 | 600V | 3A | 800W |