
Special price Quantum Data M41h HDMI 2.1 video generator / analyser

The Quantum Data M41h HDMI 2.1 video generator/analyzer is one of the enhanced HDMI 2.1 test systems available in the market. There is a basic functionality as a standard video generator and protocol analyzer which can be extended with multiple licenses. For examples there are licenses for: Enhanced source functional test license Enhanced sink functional test license Fixed Rate Link (...)

Special promotion on the Quantum Data M42de DisplayPort 1.4 / 2.1 video generator / analyser

The Quantum Data M42de Video generator/analyser provides is an unprecedented combination of functional and compliance testing for video, audio and protocol layers for DisplayPort 1.4 and 2.1 source, sink and repeater devices. The M42de's base package supports legacy DisplayPort HBR3 lane rates of 1.62, 2.7, 5.4, 8.1Gb/s. A version is also available with DisplayPort 2.1 UHBR with lane rates of (...)

Signaltec zeroflux current sensor systems

Based on high-precision zeroflux current sensors, Signaltec supplies single and multi-channel transducer systems for precision current measurement in various test and measurement applications. With specialist knowledge of the requirements of power analysis and loss calculations, Signaltec developed test equipment for the power electronics and electric drive markets. The focus of this supplier is on achieving the highest accuracy of current (...)

New Quantum Data firmware releases

Quantum Data is continuously improving their video generators and protocol analysers by means of new firmware releases. Most firmware releases do add new functionalities to the unit and involve some bug fixing. Is your Quantum Data equipment up to date with the latest firmware? Please check this using one of these links: M21  Quantum Data firmware release M41h  Quantum (...)

How to anticipate network distortion?

Netvervuiling is een begrip dat steeds vaker voorkomt, maar waar niet altijd voldoende aandacht voor is. Er is zeker sprake van meer bewustwording, maar toch staat dit onderwerp niet erg hoog op de agenda van veel bedrijven. Dat is op zich begrijpelijk, want netvervuiling is een lastig te definiëren begrip, stelt consultant René Bos van TT&MS. Het is namelijk niet direct (...)

The Vitrek PA920 High Precision Multi-Channel Harmonic Power Analyzer

Vitrek introduces the new PA920 series of power meters, setting a new standard in measuring accuracy in electrical power measurement. This power analyzer is equipped with broadband waveform digitizers with advanced computing power for an extremely competitive price. The PA920 consists of a mainframe with 4-slots for different power analyzer channels. The possibilities in terms of channels vary in accuracy, bandwidth (...)

192 channel datalogger

192 CHANNEL DATALOGGER TTMS delivered a 192 channel datalogger system to one of its customers. The system is intended to measure the voltage and current distribution in a large production machine for the semiconductor industry. The system consists of 12 PCI cards with 16 input channels each, built in an industrial PC. In the PC we placed a 30TB HD system and (...)

Vitrek 98x Series Teraohm meter

The new 98x series of Tera ohm meters from Vitrek has been specially developed for those applications where the insulation resistance must be measured at relatively high voltages. Think of the batteries in the current electric vehicles and also the insulation of solar panels. The 981i offers an output voltage range up to 6.5 kV and the 983i even (...)

The ITECH IT5100 Series battery testers

THE ITECH IT5100 SERIES BATTERY TESTERS The Itech IT5100 series battery testers are specifically designed to measure the internal resistance of a battery. Battery internal resistance is an important technical indicator to assess battery performance. It is also a necessary test item when inspecting the manufacturing process of a battery. The IT5100 allows you to simultaneously measure the internal resistance and voltage (...)