The bi-directional amplifiers of TTMS
Bi-directional amplifiers (also called two quadrant power supplies or unipolar power supplies ) are capable of covering two quadrants in terms of voltage or current. We see this a lot in the application of charging and discharging batteries. Always a positive voltage but the current can be either positive or negative. Again, we have range from nV to 2250V, from pA to 30kVA, powers from µW to MW and frequencies up to >1kHz. These amplifiers also come in regenerative versions where if the current is negative, the power is fed back to the grid.
The reverse is also possible. Always a positive current but the voltage can be either positive or negative. We see this in an AC power supply, for example. And here too, we go from very small AC power supplies of 300VA to possibilities of up to >1MVA. Voltage ranges run up to 600Vacl-n, currents into the kA, powers up to >1MVA and frequencies up to 5kHz.
For a complete overview of the DC supplies at TTMS, please refer to DC supplies. For a complete overview of the DC loads at TTMS, please refer to DC loads.
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