TPS AC power supplies from Elettrotest
TPS AC power supplies series: what options are there?
Elettrotest is a manufacturer of programmable industrial AC power supplies. This in both single-phase and three-phase versions.
The TPS AC power supplies series is a great example of the options Elettrotest has to offer. The single-phase versions have capacities from 1500VA to 9000VA at voltage ranges of 0-150V and 0-300V. Operation is extremely simple via keyboard or PC. The frequency range is from 10 to 80Hz.
One of the big advantages of Elettrotest AC power supplies is that they can deliver inrush current of at least 2x the maximum current. And that for three seconds. This is interesting, for example, for driving motors and switch mode power supplies, where the initial current is often significantly higher than the rated current.
For detailed specifications, please refer to the TPS datasheet.
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